I have found so much meaning in my connections and commitments to the land, animals and people here. I was not looking for an intentional community when I discovered Monan’s Rill, but now I cannot imagine any other kind of home in this world. – e

I am so grateful to live in this community on this beautiful land that has taught me what home feels like. It is a wonderful challenge to collaboratively build and maintain and reimagine the physical and social structures and practices that enable us to live here in deep relationship to the soil, plants, animals, and people who share this piece of earth. -Thea

More than half my life living in Community — deep life long connections to people and this land, and its magical inhabitants! – Ken

I love learning to listen to the land, the peace and depth of the forest. I love stretching myself to learn new skills, new ways of tending relationships. And I love having other adults in my children’s lives. – Amy

Very early in the morning, before people and during the night, the night creatures. I love the night sounds. I love the challenge of living together. This is Home, Family. – Sue

“Working is my therapy.” -Rick

I love the land and the people here. It is definitely a home that nurtures me and my work in the world. I think the land has called this group of people together and I hope it continues to do so. – Linda

When I wake up in the morning the day is full of endless possibilities. It starts with eating healthy food from the land, energizing walks with so much to discover, people to talk to, a friendly wave to a neighbor, a happy hello to goats and chickens, a wheelbarrow of soil to be moved, a basket of apples and a jar of figs to be collected. Soon it is dark again and a silver moon settles upon a black and silent forest. I thank the universe for letting me be here. – Uta

For me living in community allows an interpersonal existence somewhere between family, business partners and friends. This can be frustrating, but is mostly rewarding. Monan’s Rill’s rural location is important for me partly because of the nature, but mostly because of the degree of self sufficiency that it entails. – Chris

In just under a year’s time living at the Rill I discovered both the power of community and the power of the land itself. I watched my children blossom and become friends with folks their grandparents age. Working together, collectively to deepen our connection with each other and the piece of Earth we inhabited.
Life is about adapting to change and the experience of living life at Monan’s Rill has changed me forever. -Bill

I am beyond grateful that my family moved onto this magical land called Monan’s Rill. A place where we are all committed to cultivating deep and meaningful relationships with each other and this land. A place where my kids make their own sweet connections with people of all ages and can run free to explore. A place where it truly feels like home. -Brooke

Growing up at Monan’s Rill has made me so grateful for being able to live in a beautiful place with caring people who make you smile. There are so many wonderful things about living here from the way the sun sets over the lower meadow to the sounds of laughter coming from the garden. This place has made me who I am and continue to be and I’m so thankful each and everyday for it. -Vinca